About the Area

Did you know our hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30?

Listed below are PBY policies on what you can expect from the boat yard, and what the yard will expect from you, when preparing your boat for a storm.

When a hurricane watch goes into effect:

  • Customers should make every effort to prepare by:
    1. Checking or adding chafe gear to pendants
    2. Removing dodgers, biminis, anchors and any loose items from the decks
    3. Removing or securing sails
    4. Bringing dinghies ashore and moving them to high ground.
  • Slip customers must leave their slips during hurricane threats.
  • Parker’s will reserve a mooring for all slip customers. As the threat of a hurricane brings a great demand for moorings in Scotch House Cove, slip customers will be charged the regular nightly rate for time spent on the mooring.
  • Should you need assistance in preparing your vessel for a storm, the crew at Parker’s will do its best to meet your needs. Any assistance provided by boat yard personnel will be charged at regular rates. This may include:
    1. Moving boats from slips or docks to moorings
    2. Attending to chafe gear or pendants
    3. Hauling dinghies
    4. Removing any canvas from boats.
  • A severe storm poses a threat to the boat yard, as well as personal property. Because of the need to protect boat yard equipment and property, there may not be personnel available to assist boat owner’s needs within 48 hours of the expected strike.

As we all know, hurricanes are unpredictable and may change intensity at a moment’s notice. Please make every effort to plan ahead and protect your vessel as ultimately the responsibility is yours. Remember, any boat unprepared for the worst poses a threat to the general mooring population.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Any further information regarding these policies can be obtained from the PBY office.